You can use the API module in the SMS builder to make an API call to your service in real time.
GET: Sends values in a HTTP GET as parameters.
POST: Posts JSON structured object to your HTTP(s) service. Expected Json response HTTP 200 with the following Json:
- response: string 'true | false'
- optional key/value parameters: String values holding data to be used in your SMS response messages
- key/values need to be set in "API Response Bindings" section of the API Module
API Endpoint
- Endpoint URL: Your http(s) used to send data to.
- Username/Password (optional): Sets the username/password as HTTP basic authentication.
API request bindings
- Binds Variables | transaction data | static values to the HTTP request.
- Sets key/value in "parameters" section of the request detail.
API response bindings
- Your key/values.
- New variables to hold response data can be set in "Assets" --> "Variables" section of the SMS builder (left hand side of the canvas).
POST Content Overview
Key | Description |
event | event type": Received |
service | service type: SMS |
description | string: Holds further description information about the event. |
timestamp | string: UTC datetime of the event |
detail | JSON. - Hold the inbound SMS detail information plus any "parameters" set in the SMS API Module Keys: messageText: Content of the inbound SMS message destination: Your inbound SMS number attached to the SMS template callerId: The originators Caller Identification ( Mobile number) parameters: Holds the key/value bindings you set in your API Module |
Sample Upwire to "your Service" JSON POST
{ "event": "Received", "service": "SMS", "description": "" "timestamp": "2016-08-09 23:19:37.569670", "detail": { "username": "[your account username]", "status": "Received", "messageText": "Yes", "masterTemplateId": "XXXXX-5bca-e5b2-acfb-XXXXXX", "parameters": { "name1": "Shane0", "id1": "120" }, "callerId": "61421000000", "templateName": "SMS-outbound-Survey sms 1", "statusDescription": "", "destination": "61481000000", "jobnumberItem": "XXXXXXX-2168-47e9-84ff-XXXXXXX", "dateCreated": "2016-08-09 23:19:33.598470", "smsType": "inbound", "parts": "1", "templateId": "XXXXXX-68ba-89eb-2c96-XXXXXX", "customReference": "None", "callControl": "{'keyWordMatch': u'Yes', 'debug': ''}", "dateModified": "2016-08-09 23:19:36.274040", "destinationCountryCode": "AU", "jobnumber": "31462305560001" } }