A customer can receive web service callbacks when an inbound SMS is received. The callback contains various pieces of data relating to the SMS and importantly the content of the SMS message. This is useful for customers who want to integrate reply messages into backend workflows.
Firstly, be sure that the customer understands that they need to provide the receiving web service and that Upwire does not provide it. If the customer does not have a service already written they can use a free simple service like mockable.io to test with.
The simplest way for a customer to receive a callback for a received SMS is to have them run the Update Inbound Number service to point their purchased number to the callback URL.
The important pieces of information in this service are the number, which relates to an Upwire purchased number capable of receiving SMS messages and the callbackUrl the contains a URI pointing to a web service capable of receiving post requests. The username and password fields are optional and we currently use basic authentication. If authentication is not required the username and password fields should be left blank.
Once this has been setup any SMS message received for a particular number will post to the specified web service.